Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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The maiden sees her lover there!
Far in the battle's lurid glare
He stands, his only shield her prayer.
Oh, may that warrior in his pride Return with honor to her side, Or die as old Dentatus died !
Queen Anne Co., Md.
Maj. McKnight ("Asa Hartz "), A. A. G., General Loring's staff, while a prisoner of war, at Johnston's Island, wrote the following:
My love reposes on a rosewood frame—
A hunk have I; . A couch of feathery down fills up the same—
Mine 's straw, hut dry; She sinks to sleep at night with scarce a sigh— With waking eyes I watch the hours creep by.
My love her daily dinner takes in state—
And so do I (?); The richest viands flank her silver plate—
Coarse grub have I ? Pure wines she sips at ease, her thirst to slake— I pump my drink from Erie's limpid lake!